This topic describes resolutions or solutions in GainSeeker versions 8.9, 8.9.1, and 8.9.2, and corrections to the Online User Guide.
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An inspection that displayed one or more GainSeeker charts would display an error message when an ONCHANGE formula was triggered. This issue has been resolved.
An inspection that used a PRE formula to set the SPC standard for a Numeric Input test would not display the chart for that test even though it was configured to do so. This issue has been resolved.
An inspection with an ONCHANGE formula that executed the inspect.cursubi.submit() command could sometimes fail to submit the sub-inspection and make the Submit button stop working. This issue has been resolved.
When publishing a copied inspection using the Publish button on the Manage Inspections window, the name would not change on the newly published Inspection. This issue has been resolved.
Creating a drill-down Pareto chart from brushed or external data and then saving that chart in a Desktop would save it incorrectly so that opening that Desktop would generate an error message. This issue has been resolved.
When using the GainSeeker Utility to export data, a Quick Filter for a blank traceability value was applied when checking the Status but not when performing the data export. This issue has been resolved.
When using the System Administration module to create new table names for a configuration and allowing the Table Creation Utility (TCUtil) to create missing tables and indexes, the new indexes were not always created correctly if a previous set of new tables and indexes had already been created for this configuration. This issue has been resolved.
When managing DMS standards on a MySQL or Oracle database, the Find w/ No Data button did not correctly find DMS standards with no data. This issue has been resolved.
When using the GainSeeker Inspections module to configure a chart for the sub-inspection, the Search list for standards was not displayed correctly. This issue has been resolved.
When an Inspection was created in GainSeeker version 8.8.1 or lower and contained a Checkbox test or Pass/Fail/NA test with a blank Label property, editing or running that inspection in GainSeeker version 8.9 could generate an error. This issue has been resolved.
When editing a sub-inspection and displaying the TestID at the beginning of the test label, a test for DMS Event, SPC Event, SPC Cause, or SPC Action Taken would display an erroneous TestID such as -1, even though the TestID property displayed the correct TestID. This issue has been resolved.
When creating a Dynamic Desktop for SPC data, the Retrieval/Configuration Setting for Group data on control, CuSum and Performance charts was missing from the Settings tab. This issue has been resolved.
Editing the defect list for a Process and then clicking the Send to button (before clicking OK to save the changes to the Selected Defects list for the Process) would create a text file containing the last saved list of Selected Defects instead of the currently-displayed list. Clicking Send to now sends the currently-displayed list of defects to a text file, even if it hasn't yet been saved.
When a filter name contained the pipe character " | " and you selected that filter for analysis, the Settings tree would display that filter name incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.
When managing SPC or DMS standards, if there was only one standard listed, deleting that standard did not remove it from the displayed list of standards. This issue has been resolved.
When running the installation from a UNC path (instead of a path beginning with a mapped drive letter), the setup.ini file was not read correctly. This issue has been resolved.
If a Shared Data Folder (config_path) was specified without a backslash character "\" at the end, the system would not be set up correctly. This issue has been resolved.
If the SPC Manager user pointed to an expanded database, an error message could be displayed at the end of the installation. This issue has been resolved.
Changing the chart title could sometimes generate an error message. This issue has been resolved.
When a chart was displayed with a non-default Print title / Company name setting, using the Chart Titles toolbar button to change the Print title and clicking Reset to Default did not restore the default Print title. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Desktop menu to print multiple chart windows to a non-default printer, one chart window was sent to that non-default printer and the remaining charts were still sent to the default printer. This issue has been resolved.
When an SPC Data Table was displayed, changing its Settings to apply different Standard overrides for Decimal places, Standard subgroup size, or Exponent would not actually apply those changes. This issue has been resolved.
When a DMS Data Table was displayed, changing its Settings to apply a different Number of decimals for a number or Number of decimals for a cost value would not actually apply those changes. This issue has been resolved.
Using the right-click menu to display statistics below a chart did not affect the corresponding setting in the Settings tree. As a result, using the right-click menu again to change other Settings could make the statistics report disappear. This issue has been resolved.
When sorting DPU charts by week, GainSeeker would experience an "Out of Memory" error if the date period contained a year that had 53 weeks. This issue has been resolved.
When using a dashboard Button control with BackColors regions set, the colors sometimes failed to display properly. This issue has been resolved.
Clearing an OEE traceability field in a data record and submitting the changes caused the open OEE chart to redraw but not refresh the data. This issue has been resolved.
When displaying a Multiple Data Table where the names of the SPC standards were very long, the data columns sometimes did not correctly line up with the corresponding SPC standard. This issue has been resolved.
After generating a Paired Sample chart, changing the Retrieval/Configuration Settings for this chart (or for other charts that were generated by duplicating the Paired Sample chart) sometimes failed to display updated values. This issue has been resolved.
A dashboard that was configured with a Timer would not automatically refresh if it contained a Dashboard Grid control. This issue has been resolved.
When analyzing external data that was copied to clipboard, GainSeeker failed to remove the Character(s) that qualify text from the text values they surrounded. This issue has been resolved.
When a dashboard contained a Python Script Designer control, sending that dashboard to email with Include attachment for each item checked would attach an .rtf file with an incorrect picture of that dashboard control. This issue has been resolved.
When exporting a dashboard to PowerPoint, the image displayed in PowerPoint was sometimes stretched vertically or horizontally because its original aspect ratio was not preserved. This issue has been resolved.
A Pareto chart generated by right-clicking a row of a Big Data DMS dashboard control and then choosing Chart would lose retrieval information when changing the Pareto 'sort by' option. This issue has been resolved.
If a user did not have permission to use a function on the toolbar, they could click that button but nothing would happen. GainSeeker has now been modified to display a message about the required permissions when this occurs. This issue has been resolved.
When a data set contained very small decimal values (such as .00005), a histogram of that data would display an incorrect number of decimals on the x-axis. This issue has been resolved.
If a Dashboard Grid control contained both SPC and DMS columns, the "Send To" menu options did not function correctly. This issue has been resolved.
If a Dashboard Grid control was configured to display columns for DMS data, with Rows defined by set to a traceability field and Rows grouped by set to Process, no Processes were displayed on the grid. This issue has been resolved.
If a Dashboard Grid control was configured with Rows defined by set to a traceability field, right-clicking on a cell with data and choosing View Data would always return "No Data Found". This issue has been resolved.
If a Dashboard Grid control was configured to display colors for real-time failures, right-clicking a cell and choosing Legend sometimes displayed incorrect real-time failure values for that cell. This issue has been resolved.
Opening a dashboard with Edit/Open would fail to apply different date ranges and/or filters to three types of controls: Dashboard Grid control, Big Data DMS control, and Big Data SPC control. This issue has been resolved.
If a dashboard retrieval was configured with multiple filters, only the first filter was actually applied to the retrieval. GainSeeker now only allows multiple filters to be selected if the Combine check box is already selected. This issue has been resolved.
The "Last X-Bar" statistic sometimes displayed "Error calculating LastXBar" when it should have displayed "N/A" - for example, when no data matched the retrieval parameters. This issue has been resolved.
When a Data Table dashboard control or Statistics List dashboard control was configured with a Chart Skin, the settings for that Chart Skin were not actually used to display that dashboard control. This issue has been resolved.
When opening a desktop that contained a drill-down (child) Pareto chart for a relative date period such as "One week ending today", GainSeeker applied the original dates to that chart instead of using the date period and PC date to recalculate the dates applied to that chart. This issue has been resolved.
The Combination chart, Scatter chart, Time Axis chart, and X-Bar/Moving range/Range chart always used the configuration default setting for Show sigma stripes (under Control, Time Axis, and Scatter charts), and changing this setting on the Settings tree would not affect whether sigma stripes were displayed on these charts. This issue has been resolved.
When editing a Button dashboard control that is based on a DMS retrieval, setting the color regions based on a statistic erroneously displayed SPC statistics instead of DMS statistics. This issue has been resolved. Any existing Button controls that exhibit this problem must be re-created in a newer version of GainSeeker.
When editing a Button dashboard control, setting the DesignData property to False erroneously enabled the button so that clicking it (while still in Design mode) would trigger the button's action. This issue has been resolved.
If a Performance Chart was configured to display a statistic that was calculated used a value from the SPC standard, that statistic was erroneously displayed as "N/A". This issue has been resolved.
When grouping data for a Performance Chart, manual grouping did not always divide the data into groups correctly. This issue has been resolved.
When opening a desktop that contained charts listed under One window for all (Multiple charts, Process Capability, etc.) for a relative date period such as "8 hours ending now", GainSeeker applied the original date/times to that chart instead of using the date period and PC date to recalculate the date/times applied to that chart. This issue has been resolved.
For DMS charts in the One window for all (one retrieval) list, sending data from these charts to MINITAB via File (not via COM) failed to include columns for defects, defect counts, sample size, number good, or NCU. This issue has been resolved.
When sending DMS data to MINITAB via COM, the Minitab Options window erroneously displays parameters for Upper Spec Limit (%US) and Lower Spec Limit (%LS), which do not apply to DMS data. This issue has been resolved.
A Traceability test with the Traceability property set to Text Entry and the Label property set to a value did not display that Label on the test while editing the inspection (even though the Label displayed properly while running the inspection). This issue has been resolved.
A DateTime test with the Label property set to a value did not display that Label on the test while editing the inspection (even though the Label displayed properly while running the inspection). This issue has been resolved.
A Traceability test with the Traceability property set to DMS Event, SPC Event, SPC Cause, or SPC Action Taken and the Label property set to a value did not display that Label on the test while editing the sub-inspection (even though the Label displayed properly while running the inspection). This issue has been resolved.
When a saved inspection included a Traceability test with the Traceability property set to DMS Event, SPC Event, SPC Cause, or SPC Action Taken and the Label property set to a value, opening that inspection to edit it would change that Label to blank. This issue has been resolved.
GainSeeker version 8.8 lost the ability to enter an asterisk for a missing measurement in a Numeric Input test. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Python command inspect.cursubi.defectlist(idx).setvalue to set the count for a defect, the NCU and Sample Size fields sometimes could be erroneously enabled. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Python command inspect.cursubi.defectlist(idx).setvalue to set the count for a defect, that new defect count was not always displayed on the sub-inspection. This issue has been resolved.
When a Defect List test was configured with defects that do not exist for the current configuration, submitting the sub-inspection would generate an error message. This issue has been resolved.
In some cases, entering a value in a Numeric Input test and then clicking Pass or Fail in a Pass/Fail test (on the same sub-inspection) would make the PC Collect module unresponsive until the user pressed the Tab key or Enter key. This issue has been resolved.
When a Numeric Input test had the SPCStandardSelection property set to DoNotStore, no data cells would be displayed and no measurement values could be entered. This issue has been resolved.
When a list of SPC Events, SPC Causes, SPC Actions Taken, or DMS Events contained two items with the same long description, submitting a sub-inspection that contained that list would generate an error message. This issue has been resolved.
In previous versions, date/time stamps were always generated to the precision of hundredths of seconds - regardless of the Show time to setting from the user's configuration. This module now uses the Show time to configuration setting to when setting and incrementing date/time stamps. This issue has been resolved.
In previous versions, temporary SQL connections erroneously allowed the tables property to be used (e.g., sql[0].tables.tablename). The tables property is no longer allowed on temporary SQL connections. This issue has been resolved.
When creating a custom statistic in the System Administration module, the login command returned correct results. However, when calculating that custom statistic in the GainSeeker Charts module, the login command returned unexpected results. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Python Script Editor, using the Search function to filter the list of scripts and then running or debugging a script could generate an error message or fail to run the script. This issue has been resolved.
When using the dataspc Python commands to store data, a note record could be stored even when no note was specified. This issue has been resolved.
When using the dataspc Python commands to store data with a note, the data record date/time stamp and note record date/time stamp could be different if you did not use dataspc.datetime to set the date/time and the "Show time to" setting was not "hundredths". This issue has been resolved.
The sql.tables.audittrail Python command erroneously returned the table name for the SPC Action Taken table instead of the Audit Trail table. This issue has been resolved.
When a GainSeeker table name was pointed to a database view, two problems could occur. When running Check for Tables, GainSeeker would display a message that this "table" was missing an index. When running the Table Creation Utility, GainSeeker would try unsuccessfully to create an index for this "table" and then display an error message. These issues have been resolved.
Changing the default Traceability grouped by setting for Paired Sample charts did not set the new default value correctly, so the GainSeeker Charts module always defaulted to None (or Count). You can now use GainSeeker versions 8.9 or later to correctly set the default for this setting, which will be used by the GainSeeker Charts module. This issue has been resolved.
When using Generate Script to Copy Data, the resulting script could fail on the "Reports and Settings" table if it tried to insert records for items such as Chart Skins that already existed. This issue has been resolved.
When exporting data, the Import/Export Status window did not display progress by listing the standards and record counts being exported. This issue has been resolved.
On an Oracle database, when using Note Manager to change SPC data, the Event, Cause, Action Taken, and Anchor Point fields would not save correctly and would revert to their previous values. This issue has been resolved.
If no defects had been set up in a GainSeeker configuration, DMS data could not be imported into that configuration. This issue has been resolved.
If the Show time to setting in System Administration was set to Seconds or Minutes, importing DMS data and replacing existing duplicate records would not correctly log those replacements in the Audit Trail. This issue has been resolved.
Using the Import/Export Utility to export data could sometimes display a "Input string was not in a correct format" error message. This could occur if the Select All button was used to select all standards currently displayed. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Standard Utility to recreate missing DMS standards, GainSeeker erroneously created a standard with the correct Part Number but a blank Process. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Standard Utility to recreate missing DMS standards, GainSeeker erroneously checked for only missing Part Numbers instead of checking for missing combinations of Part Number and Process. This meant that some missing standards might not be re-created if the Part Number already existed for another Process. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Standard Utility to recreate missing standards, the result window was erroneously blank if no missing standards are found. This issue has been resolved.
When using the Standard Utility to Import, Duplicate, Copy to Configuration, or Recreate Missing, the utility did not verify that the current User role had permission to Add Standards. This issue has been resolved.
When using the SQL Utility to compose SQL statements, the right-click menu erroneously displayed an Undo command. However, it is not possible to Undo changes when composing a SQL statement, so this command has been removed from the right-click menu. This issue has been resolved.
When editing data from the chart, clicking the close ("X") button on the Edit Data window would cause the data record to be updated incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.
The example code for datadms.datetime has been corrected.
Documentation for the misc.executescript command has been corrected to reflect that it can only execute Python scripts that were created in the GainSeeker Inspections module.
Documentation for User-defined Labels has been corrected to note that GainSeeker no longer prevents you from entering certain terms for the Part label or Process label.