Your database administrator (DBA) must perform the following steps on the MySQL database server:
Create a new GainSeeker database. Two variations of the example script for creating the database and tables, SPC8_my.sql, are provided in the \Scripts\MySQL\ and \Scripts\MySQL\Expanded\ folders on the GainSeeker installation CD, but both use the same SQL statements to create the database.
You may choose either a case insensitive (recommended) or a case sensitive Collate option for the new database. When using the case sensitive option, all table names and field names will also be case sensitive.
Create a User for this GainSeeker database.
For the GainSeeker database, grant all schema privileges to this user.
Create all necessary tables in the GainSeeker database.
If you plan to use the typical GainSeeker table structures, use the SPC8_my.sql script in the \Scripts\MySQL\ folder.
If you plan to use Expanded data fields, use the SPC8_my.sql script in the \Scripts\MySQL\Expanded\ folder and update the variables @DBPSD, @DBPD, and @DBUDL to the desired field lengths.
After setting up the database, you can install the GainSeeker client on each workstation.
The first GainSeeker client installation will prompt you to enter the database server name, User name, Password, and GainSeeker Database. Advanced options to "Return matching rows" and "Pad Char To Full Length" will be selected for you.
If you used the script for expanded data fields, you must use the GainSeeker System Administration module to set the field lengths for the Initial Configuration:
Go to the settings for Tables and File Paths and click the Expand button. This will display the Expand Column Lengths window with default column lengths.
Set the three column lengths to match the three variables in the script you executed, then click OK.