This topic contains information about the legacy Import/Export Manager, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use in the current version of GainSeeker, but is being replaced by the new Import/Export Data function in the GainSeeker Utility module.
Specify export format and filename
Select a file format from the List Files of Type list:
ASCII – Comma delimited (*. CSV): A text format using the specified List separator to separate fields on one line of the text file.
ASCII – Comma delimited, quotes (*. QSV): A text format using double quotation marks to delimit text fields and the specified List separator to separate fields on one line of the text file.
ASCII – Tab delimited (*.TAB): A text format using tabs to separate fields on one line of the text file.
ASCII – XML format (*.XML): Extensible markup language: a text format used for the transfer of common data. This is the default format. This format should be used if you want to export notes. You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 installed on your workstation in order to export data in XML.
The Archive (*.ARC) file format has been discontinued for exporting data from GainSeeker, but *.arc files from previous versions can still be imported by the Import Export Manager module.
Specify the Decimal symbol that should be used to separate whole numbers from tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. This symbol will also be used in date/time stamps that include hundredths of seconds.
This is especially important if the resulting file will be used in a country where a different character is typically used for the decimal symbol.
For example, some countries use a period (.) for the decimal symbol, while others use a comma (,) for the decimal symbol.
If you are exporting to the *.CSV or *.QSV file format, you should also specify the List separator that will be used to separate fields on one line of the text file. The list separator cannot use the same character as the decimal symbol.
This is especially important if the resulting file will be used in a country where a different character is typically used for the list separator.
For example, some countries use a comma (,) for the list separator and a period (.) for the decimal symbol, while others use a semicolon (;) for the list separator and a comma (,) for the decimal symbol.
Browse to the drive and folder where you want to export your data.
Type a name for your export file in the File Name box.