Removing line feeds from text files

When a user presses ALT+ENTER in an Excel cell to insert a line break within the cell, this adds a Line Feed character to that cell. However, when the SPC Data Entry module reads the contents of this file - even after the file has been converted to text - it interprets this Line Feed character as the end of a row in the worksheet. (Other programs such as WordPad deal with Line Feed characters the same way.)

GainSeeker provides a utility to remove these Line Feed characters from a file and save it in the same folder as a new file with the ".nlf" file name extension. It does not delete the original Excel file.

This utility is named Txt2Nlf.exe and is installed in the folder where GainSeeker program files (*.exe) exist.

You can use the RUN or RUNANDWAIT template command to launch this utility with the necessary command line parameter.

Required command line parameter

"file path\file name.ext"

Specify the name and location of the file from which to remove Line Feed characters.

If the file path or filename contains a space, the entire path and file name should be surrounded by double-quotes (").

If the file path is not specified, GainSeeker will look for the specified file name in the folder where GainSeeker program files (*.exe) exist.


TXT2NLF.exe F:\Quality\

This will read the contents of F:\Quality\, strip out the Line Feed characters, and save the results in a file named F:\Quality\Data_05172007.nlf.

TXT2NLF.exe "F:\Quality\My"

This will read the contents of F:\Quality\My, strip out the Line Feed characters, and save the results in a file named F:\Quality\My Data.nlf.

Sample template formulas

RUNANDWAIT 'TXT2NLF.exe F:\Quality\'

This formula will read the contents of F:\Quality\, strip out the Line Feed characters, and save the results in a file named F:\Quality\Data_05172007.nlf.

RUNANDWAIT 'TXT2NLF.exe "F:\Quality\My"'

This formula will read the contents of F:\Quality\My, strip out the Line Feed characters, and save the results in a file named F:\Quality\My Data.nlf.



Converting an Excel file to text