


SAVECHT row_number, "filename"

SAVECHT 1, "C:\ HTML\control.jpg"


This saves a copy of the chart on template row 1 as a .jpg file.

This command deletes the file with the name and location you specify (if found) and then saves the chart for one template row as a .jpg, .wmf or .bmp file in this location.

Valid options for row_number are:

  • 0 - the chart for the current row

  • 1 - n - the chart for the row number you specify.  If that row number does not exist, or if the template does not display a chart for that row number, no chart will be saved.

Filename is the file name and location to be saved.  Valid options for filename are file names that end with .jpg, .wmf, or .bmp.  If no file extension is specified, the file will be saved as a bitmap (.bmp) file.  If no file location is specified, the file will be saved in the folder where the GainSeeker executables exist.  If this file name already exists in this location, it will be overwritten.

To e-mail charts that include default headings, add one of the following lines to the Convert.db file:


Headings are only displayed when you e-mail, save or print the chart. They are not displayed in the chart windows on the data entry screen.


Headings are displayed in the chart windows on the data entry screen and in charts that you e-mail, save or print.

If you add one of these lines to the Convert.db file, it will apply to all SPC data entry charts in all configurations.