This command returns the HSIFILE column from the HSIRPT table. This is a large column that cannot be returned via a normal ODBC call.


TABLE_GET_ITEM "table_type", "id", "key"



SVar 1 = TABLE_GET_ITEM "HSIRPT", 18, "Enterprise OEE Dashboard"

Related topic


ID values

Report type


SPC Dynamic Report 1
DMS Dynamic Report 2
Advanced Dynamic Report (Freeform) 3
.Launch Settings 4
Mixed Dynamic Report 5
GainSeeker Charts Desktop 6
SPC Data Table Columns 7
DMS Data Table Columns 8
SPC Data Grid Rows 9
DMS Data Grid Rows 10
DMS Control Detail Columns 11
DMS DPU Detail Columns 12
DMS Pareto Detail Columns 13
SPC Data Grid Titles 14
DMS Data Grid Titles 15
SPC Dashboard Retrieval 16
DMS Dashboard Retrieval 17
GainSeeker Charts Dashboard 18
Mobile Published Inspection 19
PC Published Inspection 20
Stored GainSeeker Base Inspection 21
Mobile Saved Internal Inspection 22
PC Saved Internal Inspection 23
Inspection Priority List 24
Desktop Priority List 24
OEE Detail Column Report 26