Performing Defect List tests

The Defect List is used to record the number of specific defects found on inspected items.


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The Defect List test displays similarly on a PC and on a mobile device. The example shown below is of a PC Collect inspection.

The Inspector enters the number of each defect in the defect boxes (or touches the defect buttons to increment the defect counts).

Entering defects

Various defects can be associated with part numbers that undergo specific processes. For example the defect "blistered paint" might be associated with a part number that undergoes a painting process.

If you are entering data for a sample that has no defects, you can proceed to entering Sample Size and NCU.

Entering defects in PC Collect

If the defect buttons show number fields like the examples above, you can specify the number of times each defect was found in the sample:

If the defect buttons do not show number fields, like the example below, then you can:

Entering defects in GS Collect


Entering Sample size and NCU

Sample size

The Sample size is the number of units actually inspected.


The method you use for entering Sample size depends on how this test is configured and how your organization collects data. Options may include:


The NCU (Nonconforming Units) is the number of units that were found with defects.


The method you use for entering NCU depends on how this test is configured and how your organization collects data. Options may include:

Performing other sub-inspection tests

Notes for inspection designers