Report Transfer

The Report Transfer function of the GainSeeker Utility module lets you manage multiple GainSeeker items ("reports") such as chart skins, filters, columns selected for tables, statistics lists, inspections, and many more. You can use this to:


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Accessing the Report Transfer Utility

The Report Transfer Utility is accessed from the Report Transfer button on the GainSeeker Utility module:

Export or Delete a report

  1. Select a Type of Report on the Report Transfer Utility window. Then, click Export or Delete.


  1. Select one or more reports that you want to export or delete.

    When exporting a Filter (DMS or SPC), Statistics Filter (DMS or SPC), Statistics List (DMS or SPC), or Stored Session, you can only choose one report. For any other report type, you can choose multiple reports to export at the same time.

    When deleting reports, you can choose multiple reports to delete at the same time.


  1. If you chose to Export a single report, GainSeeker will prompt you to choose a file name and location for the exported report. Best practice is to retain the original filename extension type (.vf, .dev, for example) when you save the file.

    If you chose to Export multiple reports, GainSeeker will prompt you to choose a location for the exported reports. GainSeeker will apply default filenames to the exported reports in this location.

    If you chose to Delete one or more reports, GainSeeker will prompt you to confirm the deletion.

Import a report

  1. Select a Type of Report on the Report Transfer Utility window. Then, click Import.


  1. Select one or more report files that you want to import.

    For some report types - Filter (DMS or SPC), Statistics Filter (DMS or SPC), Statistics List (DMS or SPC), and Stored Session - you can only select one report.


  1. If you selected one report, GainSeeker will prompt you to name the report (as it will appear within GainSeeker). You can either select an existing report name (to overwrite it) or enter a new name. GainSeeker will back up any report before overwriting it.

    If you selected multiple reports, GainSeeker will automatically apply the report names that were used to export those reports and you will not be prompted to enter a different name. GainSeeker will back up any report before overwriting it.