Exporting, Importing and Deleting Dynamic Reports

After you have defined the Retrieval Settings and the Design for a dynamic report, you can export the definition of that report to an .rdlx file. You can also import a dynamic report from an .rdlx file.


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Exporting a dynamic report

  1. From the SPC Reports, DMS Reports Advanced Reports or Mixed Reports tab on the Dynamic Reports screen, right-click the report you want to export and then click Export. Alternately, you may highlight the report you want to export, click the File menu, and then click Export.

  2. On the Save As screen, choose the location and enter a name for the new file you want to create. Then click Save.

After the export file has been created, GainSeeker will display a message to indicate that the export was successful.

Importing a dynamic report

  1. From any tab on the Dynamic Reports screen, click the File menu, and then click Import.

  2. On the Open screen, browse to the folder contain the .rdlx file you want to import and select that file. Then click Open.

  3. On the Enter Value screen, enter a name for the report. Then click OK.

After the report has been imported, GainSeeker will display a message to indicate that the import was successful.

Deleting a dynamic report

  1. From the SPC Reports, DMS Reports Advanced Reports or Mixed Reports tab on the Dynamic Reports screen, right-click the report you want to delete and then click Delete. Alternately, you may highlight the report you want to delete, click the File menu, and then click Delete.

  2. When prompted to delete the report, click Yes.