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TemplateRunAfter: Automatically run a template after a dashboard opens or refreshes

You can schedule a GainSeeker template to automatically run after a dashboard opens or refreshes.

This is a good option for processing image output from a dashboard. For information on designing GainSeeker templates, see SPC Designer module.

To run a GainSeeker template after a refresh session:

  1. Click the ellipsis button in the value cell for TemplateRunAfter on the Properties dialog .

The Pick from List dialog opens.

  1. Click the name of the template on the Pick a Template list. Then, click OK.

The template name appears in the TemplateRunAfter value cell.

Note: The TemplateRunAfter property will only work if you have purchased the Server Edition of GainSeeker. To learn more or purchase the Server Edition that offers more options for automating dashboard reporting and altering tasks, please contact the Hertzler Systems Sales Department.

To clear the selected template from the value cell so that the template will no longer run after the dashboard is opened or refreshed:

TemplateRunBefore: Automatically run a template before a dashboard opens or refreshes

You can schedule a GainSeeker template to always run before a dashboard opens or refreshes.

TemplateRunBefore could be used for tasks such as entering the most recent data into GainSeeker just before the dashboard is displayed. For information on designing GainSeeker templates, see SPC Designer module.

To run a GainSeeker template each time the dashboard is opened or refreshed:

  1. Click the ellipsis button in the value cell for TemplateRunBefore on the Properties dialog

The Pick from List dialog box opens.

  1. Click the name of the template on the Pick a Template list. Then, click OK.

The template name appears in the TemplateRunBefore value cell.

Note: The TemplateRunBefore property will only work if you have purchased the Server Edition of GainSeeker. To learn more or purchase the Server Edition that offers more options for automating dashboard reporting and altering tasks, please contact the Hertzler Systems Sales Department.

To clear the selected template from the value cell so that the template will no longer run before the dashboard is opened or refreshed:

  1. Double-click the template name in the value cell and delete it.


The Timer property for a dashboard window can be set so that the dashboard window and some or all of its controls automatically refresh along with it at a user-defined time interval. Most of the dashboard controls also have individual timed refresh-setting capabilities that allow each to automatically refresh at a different rate than that of the dashboard to which they are assigned.

To set the Timer:

  1. Click in the property cell opposite the Timer property name in the Properties dialog.

  2. Enter the numeric value for which you want the dashboard (or a dashboard control to refresh), using seconds as the time increment.

Tip: You many want to consider the data entry schedule when determining an automatic refresh time interval. Set the refresh rate accordingly so the dashboard will display it in a timely manner. Unnecessary dashboard refreshing can disrupt other programs you may have running at the same time. However, you can always manually refresh a dashboard in between scheduled automatic refresh sessions.


This property determines the method for capturing the TimerFileNameExport property images.

You can select between True and False. In most instances, you will want to set the property value to True, especially if a dashboard is set to capture multiple images over the duration of an open dashboard session. You may want to select False if you plan to capture only a few images during a single session or if the screen captures are missing some components present on the window.

Note: The TimerExportSafeMode property will only work if you have purchased the Server Edition of GainSeeker. Even though clicking the value field for this property allows for switching between True and False mode, neither setting has any operational impact without the Server Edition installed. To learn more or purchase the Server Edition that offers more options for automating dashboard reporting and altering tasks, please contact the Hertzler Systems Sales Department.


The TimerFileNameExport property automatically takes a screen capture (or "snapshot") image of a dashboard (or individual control) each time the dashboard is opened or refreshes at the user-defined Timer refresh setting. When this happens, it exports the image to the user-specified file. When opening or after each Timer refresh action, the file will update (overwrite) with the latest image. Manually refreshing the dashboard will not overwrite the export file.

To set the TimerFileNameExport property:

  1. Click the property name or its value field. Then, click the ellipsis button in the value field.

The Save As dialog opens:

  1. Enter the File name and select the Save as Type file extension where the latest image will be stored until after the next refresh session. Then, click the Save button.

To cancel the TimerFileNameExport setting, select the file name in the value field and delete it.

Note: The TimerFilenameExport property will only work if you have purchased the Server Edition of GainSeeker. To learn more or purchase the Server Edition that offers more options for automating dashboard reporting and altering tasks, please contact the Hertzler Systems Sales Department.

More information

For more information about timers, see Refreshing a Dashboard, Designing the dashboard window,