To create a new planned session, click New, and enter a name – up to 40 characters – for the new planned session. You should assign a name that will be meaningful for your operators during data entry.
To create a new planned session based on the settings chosen for an existing planned session, select the existing planned session from the Planned data entry sessions list. Then click Duplicate and enter a name – up to 40 characters – for the new planned session. You should assign a name that will be meaningful for your operators during data entry.
To modify a planned session, select it from the Planned data entry sessions list and then click Edit.
To return to the full list of planned sessions, delete all characters from the Begins with box, and then click Search. Tip: To search for items that contain a value but do not necessarily begin with that value, use the "%" wildcard character. For example, to find all the items that contain "Length", type %Length in the Begins with box. To find all the items that begin with D and contain "Length", type D%Length in the Begins with box. |