Creating and deleting Roles

Creating roles

You can create new roles based on the settings for an existing role.

  1. Navigate to the Roles tab in the Administration module.

  2. To create a new role based on one of the pre-defined roles, expand the Pre-defined roles tree.
    To create a new role based on one of the custom roles you have already created, expand the User-defined roles tree.

    Then right-click on the role you want to copy and click Copy.

    Alternately, you may right-click the Pre-defined roles or User-defined roles node of the tree. The program will display a list of all of the pre-defined and user-defined roles, and you can click on the role you want to copy.

  1. When the New Role prompt is displayed, enter a name for the new role and then click OK.

The new role is added to the User-defined roles tree.

  1. Click Submit to finish adding this new role to the GainSeeker database.

  1. Change the settings for this new role.

Deleting roles

  1. Navigate to the Roles tab in the Administration module.

  2. Right-click on the role you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  3. When the Delete role prompt is displayed, click Yes.

  1. Click Submit to finish deleting this role from the GainSeeker database.