Processing multiple desktops in the Enterprise Dashboard module

GainSeeker can also execute this action in the GainSeeker Charts module. For more information, see Parameters to Open Multiple Desktops in GainSeeker Charts


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In the Enterprise Dashboard module:

To open and process multiple desktops, you must configure a shortcut and create a text file.

Setting up the shortcut

To configure a shortcut to open multiple desktops, the target line of the shortcut must provide two things:

For more information on the parameters that can provide these two details, see the following:

Creating the text file

Each line of this text file must contain the name of a desktop, surrounded by single or double quotation marks. Depending on how you are processing the desktops (sending e-mails, saving as HTML, etc.), one e-mail or file will be generated for each desktop in the list.

Each row of the text file should be formatted like one of the following examples:

"desktop name"

"desktop name" -DF:"filename.htm"

"desktop name" -DF:"file_path\filename.htm"

Note: If saving as HTML or XML with the Server Edition of GainSeeker, you may also specify a file name for each desktop. If you do not have the Server Edition of GainSeeker, GainSeeker ignores the file path and file name you specify, and a file of the specified type is automatically created for you in your Windows TEMP path. You can contact the Hertzler Sales team for information about purchasing the Server Edition of GainSeeker.