Differences in GS Collect and PC Collect Inspections

The Inspection Editor lets you create inspections that you can run on either a mobile device (using the GainSeeker GS Collect app) or a PC (using the PC Collect inspection program in GainSeeker). There are some differences in how GS Collect and PC Collect run inspections that are helpful to know.


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Unique ID: An important distinction

For PC Collect: Unique ID information can be accessed by any GainSeeker user that shares the same configuration (specifically, the same INSPECTIONUID table).

For GS Collect: Unique ID information is stored locally on the mobile device and cannot be shared among devices. In addition, the Unique ID is stored per user name and cannot be shared among users on the same device.

Determining whether to run an inspection on a PC or on a mobile device

You might want to take some factors into consideration when deciding which device type—a PC or a mobile device such as an iPad—would work best for running a particular inspection.

Considerations about the size and type of product being inspected and plant logistics involving that product are good place to start.

Each product situation is unique, but here are a few examples to help you make a decision:

A mobile device might allow for better workflow of the inspection. The inspector could enter data as he or she moves about the equipment, including inside the cab, without having to walk back to a fixed PC workstation.

A PC or a mobile device might be well-suited for the inspection.

A PC inspection can have a Unique ID for the inspection that can be accessed at multiple user workstations throughout the plant.