Getting started with Chart Skins

The Chart Skins dialog (Fig. 3) is used to save new chart skins you create and to apply existing skins to a chart. It is also used to perform other tasks for chart skins. The dialog opens from the Settings tab or Settings dialog for DMS and SPC charts.


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You can add your company name and specify multiple other settings to a chart skin you create. You can also save your company logo or another background image as a chart skin.

General Information about Chart Skins

Creating and Applying Chart Skins

To open the Chart Skins dialog (Fig. 3), click the Chart Skins... button (Fig. 2) on the Settings tab:

Fig. 2   

Fig. 3   

Apply Skin button

Use the Apply Skin button on the Chart Skins dialog (Fig. 3) to apply a chart skin in the Existing Skins list to the current open chart.

To apply a skin:

For information about removing chart skins and tips for printing, see:

Ready-to-apply chart skins included with GainSeeker

Your GainSeeker software also includes ready-to-apply chart skins that display in the list along with any other available charts skins you can apply.

Save Current Chart Overrides... button

Use the Save Current Chart Overrides... button on the Chart Skins dialog to:

To save and name a new chart skin:

  1. Click Save Current Chart Overrides... on the Chart Skins dialog (Fig. 3).

The Save Charts Skin dialog (Fig. 4) opens.

  1. Enter a name for the new chart skin in the New Skin Name text box. Then, click OK. You can also opt to  lock the chart skin by selecting the checkbox preceding Lock Chart Skin. Then, click OK.

Fig. 4


To overwrite an existing chart skin with all the Chart overrides settings of the current open chart:

  1. Click Save Current Chart Overrides... on the Chart Skins dialog (Fig. 3). The Save Charts Skin dialog (Fig. 4) opens.

  2. Click a chart skin name in the list on the Save Charts Skin dialog that you want to overwrite. The skin name will display in the New Skin Name text box.

  3. Click OK. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to replace the existing version of the selected chart skin with all the current Chart overrides settings.

Save to All Configurations... button

This works the same as the Save Current Chart Overrides... button except that it saves the chart skin to this GainSeeker configuration and to all other GainSeeker configurations. Any existing chart skin (of the same type - SPC or DMS) with that same name will be overwritten - even if it exists in another GainSeeker configuration.

Copy... button

Use the Copy... button on the Chart Skins dialog to:

To copy a chart skin:

Enter a new name for the copy in the New Chart Skin Name text box that displays. Then, click OK.

Delete button

Use the Delete button on the Chart Skins dialog to:

To delete a chart skin:

Lock Skin/Unlock Skin button

When a chart skin is locked, the only users who can change, delete, or overwrite that skin are those that have been given rights in the GainSeeker System Administration module to edit locked items. If you do not have this right, the Lock/Unlock button is unavailable and you cannot lock or unlock charts skins. Click a skin in the Existing Skins list on the Chart Skins dialog to determine if that skin is locked. When it is locked, the button on the Charts Skins dialog displays this label: Unlock Skin. The button label displays Lock Skin if that skin is unlocked.

A chart skin can be locked when it is created or any time after it is created.

To lock a new chart skin:

To lock an existing skin:

To unlock a skin (if you have rights):

Printing and removing chart skins

There are two easy methods for redrawing a chart without the chart skin you have applied. The methods described in the following table can be especially useful when you want to print a chart that has a chart skin applied that would require a lot of printing ink.



Result Duration
  • Apply all your system default settings to a new chart you draw:

  • Use the Restore Defaults button on the Settings tab to apply all default settings to a new chart you draw using the same part number and chart type. See Fig. 5 below

  • Or use the method detailed below in this table.

  • This prevents a Chart Skin you applied to the original chart from displaying on the new chart you draw.

  • The new chart displays all default settings for a configuration as set in the Systems Administration module, including any default display settings for charts that are not part of a chart skin.

  • The Restore Defaults button only displays when you first select the settings for a new chart. If you change the settings for a chart that is open by right-clicking the chart and selecting Settings... from the menu that displays, the Settings tab that opens does not feature this button.

  • When the GainSeeker Charts module is closed for that session and the module is later reopened, the Settings tab settings display default chart settings in the GainSeeker System Administration module.

(Temporary changes, including applying a Chart Skin, can still be made to new charts after they are drawn using the Chart Settings dialog available from the right-click menu for a chart.)

  • Redraw the current chart with GainSeeker default settings:

  • Apply the Print Chart chart skin included with your GainSeeker system. For more information, see "Print Chart" Chart Skin

  • Or use the method detailed above in this table.

  • When you apply the Print Chart skin to the chart, the chart redraws with the GainSeeker default settings (unless someone in your organization changes the Print Chart skin).

  • Same as above.

Fig. 5

Chart Skins included with GainSeeker

Example of the chart skin "Gridiron," one of the ready-to-apply chart skins included with GainSeeker Suite: