DMS Events

Events are changes or problems that can occur in your process that may impact defect levels.

You can create a predefined list of events that designate the changes or problems (events) that can occur in your processes, and then use it to tag data points with specific event labels.


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You can change or add to the predefined list of DMS events from the:

Accessing the Edit Event Information dialog

From the Systems Administration module:

Navigate to the Events setting on the Configurations tab following this path:

Configurations | "configuration name" | Lists, Standards, and Tables | Events

From the GainSeeker Charts module:

From the DMS Data Entry module:

Using the Edit Event Information dialog

The Edit Event Information dialog displays a list of one-digit Event Code markers 09, A–-Z, (and az only on case-sensitive databases), and three punctuation characters (!, #, and $).

You can assign an Event Description to each Event Code.

To add an event to the list

The Edit Event Description for (the selected event code number, letter, or symbol) opens.

To edit an existing event:

The Edit Event Description for (the selected event code number, letter, or symbol) opens.

Display Event on Data Entry and Edit Data traceability lists checkbox on the Edit Event information dialog

If the Display Event on Data Entry and Edit Data traceability lists checkbox is: