Setting up GainSeeker on an Oracle database

Your Oracle database administrator (DBA) must perform the following steps:

  1. Create new tablespaces named SPC and SPCIDX. Two variations of the example script for creating the tablespaces and tables, SPC8_ORC.SQL, are provided in the \Scripts\Oracle\ and \Scripts\Oracle\Expanded\ folders on the GainSeeker installation CD, but both use the same SQL statements to create the database.

If you need to use different names for these tablespaces, you will need to update the Data_Tablespace= and Index_Tablespace= settings in the Settings.hsi file after installing GainSeeker.

  1. Create a new User with the role of DBA, so that they can create and populate the necessary GainSeeker tables.

  2. Log in to Oracle as the new User, and then create all necessary tables in the GainSeeker database. A script for creating and populating the necessary tables, SPC8_ORC.SQL, is provided in the \Scripts\Oracle\ folder on the GainSeeker installation CD.


After setting up the database, you can install the GainSeeker client on each workstation.