Backing up GainSeeker

A solid backup system is good insurance against data loss from software, hardware or network problems or from operator error.

Information that must be backed up

How often to back up

Your GainSeeker data should be backed up daily, if possible. If your network already includes a daily backup system, you should make sure that the backups will include your GainSeeker data.

Your backup system should include a series of removable media, such as backup tapes, so that one day’s backup does not overwrite the backup from the previous day. This helps to prevent you from overwriting a backup of a good system with a backup of a corrupted system.

In addition to daily backups, monthly or quarterly backups of the full system are also a good precaution against catastrophe on the network. These periodic full system backups should be stored off-site in a secure location.

Verifying the integrity of your backup

If production and inspection are performed during the night, some of your GainSeeker database tables and/or files may be in use around the clock.

Some backup systems do not properly back up database tables and/or files that are in use. To make sure that all of your GainSeeker data is backed up, test your backups periodically—before a problem occurs that requires you to restore from backup—to make sure that you can restore the data. You can avoid disrupting your working system during this test by restoring the data to a different server or folder.