WebViz (System-wide settings)

Several of the System-wide settings apply to GainSeeker WebViz.

To begin, expand the System-wide settings tree on the Configurations tab of the Administration module, and then expand the WebViz tree.


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Default charts shown during data entry

When a WebViz user clicks the SPC Data Entry tab, they can choose which charts (if any) to display on the data entry page.

To configure the default setting for which charts to display in this situation, expand this tree and select the charts that you want to be selected by default.

Delete temporary files older than

Expand this tree and choose a time period to designate how long the temporary files created by WebViz should be left on the web server or intranet server.

You can delete all WebViz temporary files from the web server or intranet server at any time by following these steps:

  1. Log in to WebViz as a user that is assigned to a role with Module Access to Administration—Full Access, Login Password, Level 1 Password, or Level 2 Password.

  2. In WebViz, click the Setup tab and then click the Clean up temporary files button.

Manually enter date and time

When a WebViz user clicks the SPC Data Entry tab, they can choose to Use current date and time or Manually enter date and time. To configure the default setting for how dates should be entered when a WebViz user enters SPC data, select or clear this checkbox.