XML format information

If you selected the *.XML file type on Step 1 of the Import Export Manager, the Step 2 of the Import Export Manager allows you to specify the format of your export file.

Choosing the fields to export

By default, GainSeeker will export all the fields from the data record, as well as the related note, to the .XML file.  

To avoid exporting any of these fields, right-click on the field and then click Clear.

To restore the default XML tag for a field that you have cleared, right-click on the field and then click Restore Default.

Renaming the XML tags

GainSeeker lists default labels for the XML tags that will be mapped to individual data fields.  

To change the name of any XML tag – for example, to match field names in another application – right-click on the field and then click Rename.  Then type the XML tag you want to use for this field.

For speed reasons it is recommended to not rename the Part Number and Date/time tags.

To restore the default XML tag for a field that you have renamed, right-click on the field and then click Restore Default.

Setting the date/time format

To use the date/time format defaults from Microsoft Windows on your workstation, click Use Windows settings.  

Otherwise, to customize the way that the date/time stamps are exported, click Specify custom settings and configure the following options:

Restoring default settings

If you have made many changes on this screen and want to start over with the default settings, click Restore Defaults.  This will completely undo all changes you have made on this step of the Export Wizard.