Using SQL Utility in Freeform Mode to rename a standard

This topic contains information about the legacy SQL Utility, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use in version 8.3, but is being replaced by the new GainSeeker SQL Utility function in the GainSeeker Utility module.

Rename a standard

This allows you to rename a standard without first creating a new standard with the new name:

  1. Launch the SQL Utility module and log in.

  2. Log in as a user or group name with rights to access this utility.

  3. Click the File menu and then click Freeform SQL.

    This will display a warning message:

  4. Select the I have read the warning message check box, and then click OK.

    The FREEFORM SQL MODE label is displayed at the bottom of the screen, to remind you that data validation and compatibility checking has been turned off and you should proceed with extra caution.

  5. In the System area, click SPC or DMS.

  6. On the Change type list, click Standards.

  7. On the Field to change list, click Part Number.

  8. On the Current value list, click the standard you want to rename.

    This will display several UPDATE queries in the SQL statement(s) box.

  9. In the SQL statement(s) box, you must change the standard named in the SET PARTNO (or PARTNOAUX) = 'standard_name' clause of each line.

    In place of the standard listed in this part of each line, you must specify the name for a new standard that does not yet exist on your system.

    Using the example above, to rename the standard from "D-34KW Length B" to "75PR Length B" (which has not yet been created on your system), you would change the SQL statements to look like this:

  10. In the SQL statement(s) box, search for any line that begins with the text "No update for" and remove this text.

  11. Click Run SQL.

  12. At the prompt, click OK.