Using SQL Assistant to delete an unused defect

If a defect is not assigned to any processes or referenced by any data, you can use the SQL Assistant to remove it from the list of All Defects.

  1. In the System area, click DMS.

  2. In the Change type list, click Process.

  3. In the Field to change list, click Defect.

  4. In the Current value list, click the defect you want to delete.

  5. Click Execute.

  6. At the prompt, click OK.

  7. After SQL Utility has deleted this defect, SQL Assistant displays another message.

  8. Any users who are currently running a GainSeeker module such as System Administration may need to exit and re-start to update the list of All Defects.

Note: Any data that contained that defect will now be displayed with the defect as Unknown.  It is a best practice to only delete defects if you are sure that no data has been stored with that defect.