About PC Collect and GS Collect Mobile Inspections

Note: For new deployments using iPads or other mobile tablets for data entry into GainSeeker, Hertzler Systems now recommends the use of a Microsoft Remote Desktop Client app to connect to a PC (or Remote Desktop Session Host server / Terminal server) that runs the full GainSeeker client.

This new recommendation supersedes earlier recommendations to use the legacy GS Collect app (which supports LiveCode scripting but not Python scripting) and the GainSeeker Mobile Web Service for iPad data entry.

For details, see Mobile App Requirements.


You can use the Inspection Editor in the GainSeeker Inspections module to create an inspection that you can run on a mobile device, a PC, or both. GainSeeker Inspections are designed to have a similar user interface on either device type, but there are some differences in how the inspections display due to the different technology.

The PC Collect module runs inspections on PCs and the legacy GS Collect mobile App runs inspections on mobile devices.

Property settings that are specific to either inspection type

Because PCs and mobile devices feature different technology, some inspection properties also differ or display somewhat differently on the devices during a running inspection. Properties that pertain to one device or the other have notations on the property descriptions such as [PC only] or [Mobile only].

Differences in how PC Collect and GS Collect store the Unique ID

See Unique ID: an important distinction

Determining whether to run an inspection on a PC or mobile device

See Considerations for determining which device type to use for an inspection

Mobile Inspection advantages over PC inspections

GS Collect Mobile App Release Notes

View the latest GS Collect Mobile App Release Notes on the Hertzler Systems website.

PC inspection advantages over mobile inspections