Test TCP/IP connection with GainSeeker

You can use the TCP/IP Communication Utility to test the connection between GainSeeker SPC workstation and the data-collecting device. This utility can be accessed from the Tools menu in the SPC Designer module.


To connect to the device on the network, type the IP address and the Port number of the device that is gathering data.  Upon successful connection, it displays a message “Ok” in the response box. By default, the time out period for connection is 30 seconds.  If GainSeeker cannot connect to the specified device, then it gives an error message in the response box.  Once the connection is established, the connect button gets grayed out.  The user must send a command to request the data from the connection. Type the next command that is relevant to the device gathering data and select send button.  The send operation reads the data from the device and gives a message response of the value along with the ASCII code for each character received. Selecting the Append CR and LF check box lets the user get the carriage return and line feed in the response.

Example of send operation for Zumbach is as follows:

Sending d2000 as a command with carriage return and line feed check box checked gives the following response.