


DB_DATA_SQL "database_type"




See XML and Record Buffer Template Commands for sample templates showing how the XML and Record Buffer commands work together.

Returns a SQL string to be used to insert into the DDATA table.

Possible database types are "DMS", "DMS*" and "SPC" but only the "DMS" and "DMS*" options are supported at this time.

If the "DMS" parameter is used, this command returns a string for use with the SQL INSERT command. If you want to do things such as UPDATE, build your own string with the DB_SET_VALUE and DB_VALUE commands.

If a value has not been set, a default will be returned.

If the "DMS*" parameter is used, this command will return an entire SQL INSERT command, ready for executing.  The SQL command contains the "INSERT INTO..." section at the beginning of the text.