


EXCEL_SETMISC option_number, "setting"

EXCEL_SETMISC 1, "Hourly Service Report" : EXCEL_SETMISC 3, "1"


This formula sets the worksheet header to "Hourly Service Report" and sets the option to print grid lines.


See also: Creating a file in Microsoft Excel format.

For a new file created by EXCEL_CREATE, the EXCEL_SETMISC command can be used to set print options for headers, footers, and grid lines, and it can be used to protect the spreadsheet.

Valid choices for the option_number are:

1 : Set a header for printing.

For the "setting", specify the text to be printed as the header.  

The default header is blank.

2 : Set a footer for printing.

For the "setting", specify the text to be printed as the footer.

The default footer is blank.

3 : Choose option for printing grid lines..

Valid "setting" values are:

"1" : print the gridlines

"0" : do not print the gridlines (the default setting).

4 : Choose option for protecting the spreadsheet from editing.

Valid "setting" values are:

"1" : protect from editing

Note:  In some versions of Excel, this will only protect blank cells from being edited.

"0" : do not protect from editing (the default setting).