Tip: The ¤ characters in this table represent spaces.




PARSE "wildcards_and_spaces"

When the string in the text buffer is

NET ¤ ¤+ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤1.23456-g

the command

PARSE " ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤############"

reads everything to the right of and including the (+) sign.  The numeric value returned is 1.23456.

Returns the numeric value designated by the wildcard characters ‘#’.  

Any non-numeric characters are ignored.  

Spaces are used in the parse string to position the wildcard characters. (Do not substitute the underline (_) character for a space.)

See also PAR_H, PAR_M, and PAR_S.

PARSE "text_to_compare"

When the string in the text buffer is

NET ¤ ¤+ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤1.23456-g

the command


returns a value of 1 because the text being searched (first six characters of the text buffer) exactly matches the text of the command.

Returns a value of 1 when the parse string completely matches the examined data or the value of 0 when any discrepancies occur.

See also PAR_H, PAR_M, and PAR_S.