This command retrieves information from the last SPC data record that was stored with a particular value in the traceability field you specify.


TRACE_MR "number:text"

Number is the number of the traceability field that should be searched for the text you specify. Valid options for this parameter include the integers 1-6 and can go as high as 48, depending on how many traceability fields you have configured for GainSeeker.

Text is the traceability value to search for.

You can use multiple traceability values by inserting a semicolon (;) between each traceability value, such as number:text;number:text. When using this, all values must meet the criteria.

Return value

This command does not return a value.


When this command is executed, GainSeeker will search the current SPC database for data going back as far as one year that contains the specified value in the specified traceability field.

value from data record:

array value:

Date/time stamp

MySArr "Trace_MR", -1

SPC standard

MySArr "Trace_MR", 0

traceability field 1

MySArr "Trace_MR", 1

traceability field 2

MySArr "Trace_MR", 2



traceability field 48

MySArr "Trace_MR", 48

You can then use MySArr "Trace_MR", index_number to retrieve individual values from the array.

If this template will be launched from a shortcut that was created in the .Launch module, that shortcut may include the -Trace_MR:"number:text" command line parameter that specifies a traceability field number and traceability value to search for. You can access the "number:text" portion of this command line parameter with the CMDLINE template command. See the example below for more information.


TRACE_MR "4:Machine 1250"

When this command is executed, GainSeeker will search the current SPC database for the latest data record with "Machine 1250" in traceability field 4. If such data is found within the last year, GainSeeker will populate MySArr "Trace_MR" with the traceability values, date/time stamp and name of the SPC standard from that data record.


The CMDLINE "Trace_MR" command will search the command line that was used to launch the SPC Data Entry module and look for -Trace_MR:"value", /Trace_MR:"value" or \Trace_MR:"value". If any of these are found, this command will return the value portion of this parameter.

If this value contains a valid  "number:text" string for the TRACE_MR command, then GainSeeker will search the current SPC database for data going back as far as one year that contains the specified value in the specified traceability field. If such data is found, GainSeeker will populate MySArr "Trace_MR" with the traceability values, date/time stamp and name of the SPC standard from that data record.

TRACE_MR "4:Machine 1250;6:Smith, Joe"

When this command is executed, GainSeeker searches the current SPC database for the latest data record with "Machine 1250" in traceability field 4, and “Smith, Joe” in traceability field 6.