


XML_DEFECT_MAP "new_tag", "GainSeeker_tag"

XML_DEFECT_MAP "b1", "Broken"


See XML and Record Buffer Template Commands for sample templates showing how the XML and Record Buffer commands work together.

See XML and Record Buffer Template Commands for a complete list of tags available.

Note: Please check the return value, if it is equal to zero you probably need to check the upper case/lower case spelling of the tags or make sure that you typed a valid Defect Description for the GainSeeker tag.

If need to clear mappings, use the INITVARS command. Closing the file does not clear the maps.

Do not use the XML_DEFECT_MAP command to map data other than defects, use the XML_MAP command for this purpose.

Returns 1 if successful.

Returns 0 if not successful (the defect description is not valid or the case is wrong).

This command is used to map defect descriptions from the user’s file into the record buffer. For example, if the user uses a tag called <b1> for their "Broken" defect, then to place the value in the record buffer’s Broken bin, the user must use this command to map the user’s defect description into the GainSeeker defect description: XML_DEFECT_MAP "b1", "Broken".

Important: You can map a defect description in an XML file into only one GainSeeker defect description. If you do more than one, the last one takes precedence. For example, if you map the <b1> tag to "Broken" and then map the <b1> tag to "Busted", the "Busted" mapping replaces the "Broken" mapping.

You can only map one defect description into each GainSeeker tag. If you do more than one, the last one takes precedence. For example, if you map the <b1> tag to "Broken" and then map the <b2> tag to "Broken", the <b2> mapping replaces the <b1> mapping.