Adding user messages

You may replace the default prompt message in any cell with a different user message.

For example, the default prompt message for cells in Data columns looks something like this:

However, you may want to customize this message to provide specific instructions to the data entry operator, like the example below:

To set a different user message:

  1. Select the cell for which you want to set the user message.

Please Note: You can only change the user message for one cell at a time.

  1. Type your new message in the User message box (up to 75 characters).

Tip: The text you enter in the User message box can include both text and cell references. Using a cell reference in the User message box allows for the user message to change as the value of a cell changes. For example, if the value of cell [A1] was set to "Cavity 4" and the user message was “Enter the first reading for [A1]", the user would be prompted with “Enter the first reading for Cavity 4”.



Template Wizard Step 5