Process file(s) during data entry

The way you configure these settings will be determined by the way that your data collection system creates and updates your text files.

If your text file will be continuously updated by your data collection system, select the The file to process is continuously updated check box.  The template will rename the original text file and process the data in the renamed file.  Many data collection systems of this type will simply create a new text file with the original filename and store subsequent data in this new file.

If you have a file that is not ready for the template to process until a minimum size is reached, you can provide a minimum size before processing begins.  Enter the minimum file size (in bytes) in the Do not process files with size less than box.  If the file is too small when the template is running in the Data Entry module, the template will execute the Template termination action that you specify on step 6 of the File Import Wizard.

In the File name box, specify the name and location of the text file (or files) to be processed.  To process multiple files with the same data layout, you can use the wildcards ? (for one character) and * (for multiple characters) in the file name.  If you selected the The file to process is continuously updated check box above, you should enter the name of the original text file – and not HSI_FIW.txt – in the File name box.