Using static text

It is possible to fill one or more of the GainSeeker Fields on the grid with static text, rather than reading every field from your query result sets.  For example, if your query result sets do not contain part number information, but you know the part number to which this data corresponds, you could use static text to supply the part number for this template.

Static text from pre-defined lists

To enter static text for traceability, part number, process, or defect descriptions, it is best to select the value from the pre-defined list in your SPC or DMS system because this helps to ensure that data is entered in a consistent manner.  To do this, right-click in the appropriate cell in the grid, and then click Add from … list.  For example, to enter static text for the Part Number field, right-click in the Part Number row of the grid, click Add from Part Number list, and select a Part Number from the list of standards in your system.

Free-form static text

There are three ways to enter free-form static text in any field in the grid:

When you add static text to a cell on the grid, the Database Integration Wizard automatically adds a single quotation mark to each end of the text.