Planner: Step 2

Pre-filling the values in a planned session

Why pre-fill?

Entering the part numbers and characteristics and traceability values on step 2 of the planner saves time and operator error during data entry.

Which values should I pre-fill?

Use this step to enter all of the information that will remain the same every time an operator opens this planned session.

For example, you may plan to use this planned session to enter data for the same three characteristics of the same part number, and for the same machine number and department, but for different lot numbers, shifts and operators. For this situation, you should enter values on this screen for Part Number, Machine and Dept. For Lot #, Shift and Operator, you should either leave the cells in these columns blank, or require the operator to enter these values each time they run this planned session.

All traceability columns will show up on the list, even those that are not set up in the current template.  You can pre-fill traceability columns that are not in the template by setting a value in the planned session.  When the planned session is run, the values will be stored, even though the column does not exist in the template.

How to pre-fill

Click in a cell that you want to pre-fill with a value. Then type the value, or click the drop-down arrow to select a value from the list you created. (Tip: double-clicking a cell will also drop down the list for that column.)

To clear all of the values from an entire row or column, click in a cell in that row or column and then click Clear row or Clear column. To clear all of the values from this step, click Clear all.

Using a planned session to require operator entry

For information that may change from session to session, you may require the operator to enter these values each time they run a data entry session.

To require the operator to enter a value in a cell each time they run this planned session, click in the cell and then click the button to insert the ? symbol into the cell.

When an operator saves a data entry session as a stored session, this saves all of the part number and characteristic, traceability and corrective action information they have entered so far in the data entry session. To force the operator to enter updated part number and characteristic or traceability information each time they run this planned session or any stored sessions that are based on this planned session, click in a cell and then click the button to insert the ! symbol into the cell.

You can also fill a column with ? or ! symbols.

Selecting planned session values from a pre-defined list

You can select your part numbers and characteristics or traceability values from the lists you have already set up.

You can drop down the list by double-clicking a cell, by clicking the drop-down arrow , or by pressing the F4 key.

If you create new standards for part numbers and characteristics, or add new values to your traceability lists, but your new value is not displayed in the list when you click the drop-down arrow , click Refresh list.

Filling the column in a planned session

To fill all of the cells in a column with the same value, enter a value in one cell in the column. Then click Fill column.