Statistics tab

By clicking the Session menu and then clicking Retrieval Settings, you can specify how the program should calculate statistics for the most recent data that is displayed during data entry. (In PDA mode, these options are not available.)

Note:  Changes you make to these settings are only temporary and will remain in effect until you exit the SPC Data Entry module. If you want to change these settings permanently, you must update the SPC Statistics settings in the Administration module.

Control limit method

Choose a standard deviation method for calculating control limits. You can choose either Factors (R-Bar / d2) or Sample standard deviation. The Factors method provides the best prediction if your data exhibits more variation within subgroups than between subgroups, while the Sample standard deviation method provides the best prediction if your data exhibits more variation between subgroups than within subgroups.

Standard deviation method for capability indexes

Choose a method for calculating standard deviation for other statistics. You can choose either Factors (R-Bar / d2) or Sample standard deviation. The Factors method provides the best prediction if your data exhibits more variation within subgroups than between subgroups, while the Sample standard deviation method provides the best prediction if your data exhibits more variation between subgroups than within subgroups.

The method you choose will be used to calculate the Mean +/- 3SD, Mean +/- 4SD, 6SD, Zl, Zu, and Cpm for data in a normal distribution.

Statistical outliers

Statistical outliers are observations that violate SPC rules.

If you choose to exclude statistical outliers, the out-of-control data points will be displayed as outliers on control charts and on data tables but will be excluded from the statistical calculations.