Filtering by real-time failures

Note: This topic contains information about the legacy SPC Database Monitor module, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use, but is being replaced by the Monitor Table chart window in the newer GainSeeker Charts module.

When viewing the Failure Monitor, you can choose to display only the data records that exhibit the real-time failures you specify.

To specify the real-time failures that will be displayed in the Failure Monitor, use one of the following methods:

This displays the Real-time Check Conditions screen:

  1. In the Real-time failures list, select the check box for each real-time failure you want to display.

    To display the data records containing all real-time failures, click Check all.

    To clear the check boxes for all real-time failures, click Clear all.

    Note: You must select at least one real-time failure before applying your changes.

  2. To display each data record that contains all of the selected real-time failures, click And.

    To display each data record that contains one or more of the selected real-time failures, click Or.

  3. To save these real-time failure settings as the default settings for this workstation, select the Save as default check box. (In PDA mode on very small displays, this option is not available.)

  4. Click OK to apply your changes or Cancel to undo your changes.



Choosing which monitor records to display