Statistics Tables

A Statistics Table uses a table format to display statistics that are user-selected for relevance to the data.


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Changing the statistics table report:

While creating a new statistics table

  1. Navigate to Statistics table report name following this path on the Settings tab:

Chart overrides | Charts | Default reports | Statistics table report name

  1. Double-click Statistics table report name = .

The Statistics table report name dialog box opens. See Using select statistics reports dialog boxes for more information.

On an existing statistics table

  1. Right-click on an existing statistics table to display the right-click menu. Then, select Statistics Report... on the menu.

The Statistics list report name dialog box opens. See Using select statistics reports dialog boxes for more information.

Opting out of displaying rows with no data

You can set GainSeeker to not display rows in statistics tables that have no data. See Skip Statistics Table rows with no data