Traceability labels and lists

Traceability information is text that is stored with each subgroup of data. It can help you track from where your data is coming and help to pinpoint sources of variation.

Traceability labels

GainSeeker is automatically installed with six traceability fields: Lot, Shift, Department, Machine, Cavity, and Operator. You can change any of these labels to better suit your organization, and you can add up to 42 more traceability fields for a maximum of 48. For details, see Configuring traceability labels.

Traceability lists

After traceability labels are set up for the key variables you want to track, you can build a predefined list of acceptable entries for each traceability field. Selecting traceability values from predefined lists during data entry provides control and consistency in how the data is entered and it simplifies later root-cause analysis. For details, see Creating and editing traceability lists.

After creating the predefined lists of traceability values, you can set up priority lists that allow each user or group name in GainSeeker to enter data using only subsets of the full traceability lists.