Selecting values to find attached notes

This topic contains information about the legacy Note Manager, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use in version 8.3, but is being replaced by the new Note Manager function in the GainSeeker Utility module.

Selecting values to analyze

Highlight the values in the list box that you want to analyze. By pressing CTRL while highlighting values, you can select values that are not listed in succession. You may use the Priority List or the Full List. If the Full List is large, you may want to perform a search rather than scrolling through the entire database.

To search the database, type one or more letters or numbers in the Part number begins with box. Click on Search. The program will find the values that begin with the letters or numbers you entered. You also can choose to have the search match upper and lowercase letters by clicking on Match case. If you already have highlighted some values, but you need to find others by using the Search, these selected values won’ t be lost. They are added to the top of the list.

If you want to see the Notes for all values in the list, click on Select all.