Line chart for Statistics Table

After generating a statistics table with rows in chronological order – for example, by using Chart Designer to create a report based on multiple date ranges – it is possible to draw a chart of the consecutive values of a statistic from your table.

When a statistics table with rows in chronological order is displayed on the screen, the Line menu appears.  From this menu, you can choose to draw a line chart of any numeric statistic already displayed in your statistics table.

Note:  If the Line menu does not appear when you click on the Statistics Table, make sure that the rows of your table appear in chronological order.  You can view the date range of each row by clicking the Options menu and selecting Change Report Format, then editing your report format to display the low and high dates for each row.

If the statistic you choose has values that are not set – displayed as “NA” or “None” – the corresponding points on the line chart will be skipped.

The line chart can be saved as part of a desktop.