Specifying a File or URL

On the Show Item screen, enter one of the following:

Tip: To display a GainSeeker chart (such as a Pareto chart or a Control chart) on the dashboard:

  1. Create a GainSeeker data entry template that will use the CHT_SPC or CHT_DMS command to create a GainSeeker chart and save it as a web page. This template should also copy or rename the .jpg file of the chart to a generic file name and location (which can later be referenced by this dashboard).

  2. Use the Server Edition of GainSeeker to run this template before the dashboard opens or refreshes. This will update the chart with the latest data before displaying it on the dashboard.

  3. Design the KPI dashboard with a File or URL that points to the generic file name and location of the .jpg file for the chart you want to display.

When finished, click OK to return to the Design window for the KPI dashboard.

Note: When designing the KPI dashboard, the File or URL item may sometimes display a blank area. To display the item while you are still in design mode, click the item again.