Changing the background color or image

On the Design window for a KPI gage dashboard, you can change the background color and/or background image for this dashboard window.

Changing the background color

  1. Right-click anywhere on the dashboard and point to Background.

  2. On the Background menu, click Color.

    Choose a new background color, and then click OK.

Setting the background picture

  1. Right-click anywhere on the dashboard and point to Background.

  2. On the Background menu, click Picture.

    Browse to a picture file and then click OK.

Note: If other users will display this dashboard, you should choose a picture file that can be accessed by these users.

This picture will be displayed in the upper left corner of the dashboard window.

Clearing the background picture

  1. Right-click anywhere on the dashboard and point to Background.

  2. On the Background menu, click Clear Picture.