Update parameters as needed

For the command(s) you have selected, review the information listed under Command contents.  For each %NN parameter in your selected command, make sure that each corresponding option below the Command name box is set correctly.

In the example below, the contents of the selected command, Sixpack, contain four %NN parameters - %C1, %E, %LS, and %US.  Thus, we should review the settings for Column 1 (%C1), Subgroup size (%E), Lower Spec (%LS) and Upper Spec (%US) and modify these if necessary.

By default, the program fills the Upper Spec, Lower Spec, and Subgroup size fields from information stored in the standard.

None of the default commands uses the %C3 (Column 3), %T1 (Text 1), %T2 (Text 2), or %K (Constant) parameters. If you use only the default commands, then you will never need to modify the values in these fields. However, if you enter additional commands, those commands might reference one or more of these parameters.