Searching for values in a table of data

When a table of raw SPC or DMS data is displayed, you can search for any values on the table.

  1. (optional) Highlight the row where you want to begin searching.

  2. Press CTRL+F to display the Find window. (If you have not already started a text search on this data table, you can also press the F3 key to display the Find window.)

    Enter the text you want to search for, and then click OK. This search is not case sensitive.

  3. Beginning with the highlighted row on the data table, GainSeeker will search for the text you have entered and will highlight the first row that displays that value.


  1. To search for another instance of the text you are searching for, press the F3 key.

    You can continue pressing F3 until no more instances of the search can be found.

    If the search text is found multiple times in one DMS record, the main row of that data record will remain highlighted until pressing F3 has cycled through all of the instances of the search text in that record.

You can perform this kind of text search from: