For each row in the data table, the Special column in the data table may display one of the following symbols:
SO – represents a Statistical Outlier. This value is only displayed when the program is configured to exclude some or all out-of-control data. The reason for excluding the data point is displayed in the Outlier reasons column of the Data Table.
FN – represents a Failure Note. A failure note is created when an individual measurement or subgroup average fails one or more real-time checks at data entry. To view the contents of the failure note, right-click on this row of the data table and then click Edit Note.
ON –represents an Operator Note. An operator note is created when the data entry operator or other personnel choose to enter a note for a data point that passed all of the real-time checks during data entry. To view the contents of the operator note, right-click on this row of the data table and then click Edit Note.
A – represents an anchor point. A data record can be flagged as an anchor point during data entry when a data entry operator chooses to mark the data record or when a template has been configured to set the data record as an anchor point. This symbol is available only for SPC data.
BS – This indicates a data record that is bypassed for statistical calculations. A data record can be flagged for statistical bypass when a user chooses a Bypass setting of Include on charts and data lists only on the Note and Corrective Action screen, or when a template has been configured to apply this Bypass setting to the data record.
BY – This indicates a data record that is bypassed from all data retrievals. A data record can be flagged for bypass from all retrievals when a user chooses a Bypass setting of Bypass record on the Note and Corrective Action screen, or when a template has been configured to apply this bypass setting to the data record. This data record can only be retrieved when you use a filter to find subgroups where the Bypass is set to Bypass record.