Deleting data in the Monitor

Note: This topic contains information about the legacy SPC Database Monitor module, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use, but is being replaced by the Monitor Table chart window in the newer GainSeeker Charts module.

If you have rights to do so, you can delete one data record or many data records from the system.

Deleting one record

To delete a single record from the Monitor, right-click on the row you want to delete, and then click Delete. Alternately, you may click the row to be deleted, click the Edit menu, and then click Delete. (In PDA mode, only the right-click menu is available.)

This displays a screen such as the following:

Deleting multiple records

To delete multiple records from the Monitor, right-click any row and then click Delete Range. Alternately, you may click the Edit menu and then click Delete Range. (In PDA mode, these options are not available.)

This displays a screen such as the following:

You can use the following methods to select one or more records:

Monitor records or Monitor and data records

In both cases, you are prompted to choose whether to delete only the Monitor records or both Monitor and data records.

Other options for purging old Monitor records

You can also set up your SPC Database Monitor icon to automatically purge old records from the monitor windows. For more information, see Setting up icons to perform automatic functions.