Editing the note, corrective action, anchor point or bypass

If you have rights to do so, you can edit the note, corrective action information, anchor point designation or the bypass setting for a subgroup. This can be done either from a control chart or from a data table:

This displays the Note and Corrective Action screen:

The normal Note and Corrective Action screen.



The Note and Corrective Action screen in PDA mode at 240 by 320 pixels.

To display the subgroup on charts and data lists but exclude it from all statistical calculations, select Include on charts and data lists only from the Bypass list. For more information, see Include on charts and data lists only.

To exclude the subgroup from all data retrievals, select Bypass record from the Bypass list. If you choose this option, you can only retrieve this subgroup by using a filter to find subgroups where the Bypass is set to Bypass record .

If the Bypass list is unavailable, you do not have rights to change the bypass.

After you save this note, anyone who edits views the note will be able to click the hyperlink at the bottom of the note, similar to the following example:

Both keywords (http: and file:) work the same way, although it is most typical to use http: when linking to a web address and file: when linking to a file on your network.


Most typical:

but this also works:









file:"L:\QA pix\sample 3102.gif"

http:"L:\QA pix\sample 3102.gif"



Depending on the way that the program has been configured, you may not be able to remove previously saved notes. For more information, see General Settings .

When you have finished making changes, click OK.



Editing data