The hsidate commands in Python™ allow you to access and format date and time information. See Python commands for other commands you can use with GainSeeker.
Syntax |
Example |
Description/Remarks |
New or changed in GainSeeker version | |
day = |
Returns the current day of the month as an integer. |
hsidate.dbdatetime() |
dt = hsidate.dbdatetime() |
Returns the current date/time as a 17-digit long integer (DB format). When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth digit. |
hsidate.dbdatetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) |
dt = hsidate.dbdatetime(2014, 10, 4, 5, 20, 45, 0) |
Returns the input date/time (parameters) as a 17-digit long integer (DB format). When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth digit. |
print hsidate.dbdatetimestr() |
Returns the current date/time as a DB-formatted 17-character string (DB format) When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth character. When setting dataspc.datetime or datadms.datetime the seventeenth character is automatically ignored. |
hsidate.dbdatetimestr(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) |
print hsidate.dbdatetimestr(2014, 10, 4, 5, 20, 45, 0) |
Returns the input date/time (parameters) as a DB-formatted 17-character string (DB format). When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth character. When setting dataspc.datetime or datadms.datetime the seventeenth character is automatically ignored. |
hsidate.dispdate() |
print hsidate.dispdate() |
Returns the current date as a display string. |
hsidate.dispdatetime() |
print hsidate.dispdatetime() |
Returns the current date/time as a display string. |
hsidate.disptime() |
print hsidate.disptime() |
Returns the current time as a display string. |
print hsidate.format_to_db('02-28-2015') returns 20150228000000000 |
Returns the input date/time (display string) as a 17-digit long integer (DB format). Returns -1 if there was an error parsing the date/time. When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth digit. |
hsidate.format_to_db(datetimestring, formatstr) |
print hsidate.format_to_db('31-05-2019', 'dd-MM-yyyy') returns 20190531000000000 |
Returns the input date/time (display string) as a 17-digit long integer (DB format). Use the formatstr parameter to specify the order of month, day, and year in the date/time string. For date/time format string options, see Returns -1 if there was an error parsing the date/time. When using this value to query the GainSeeker database, remove the seventeenth digit. |
print hsidate.formatdbdate(20120210, True, False) returns 2/10/2012 |
Returns the input date/time (DB format) as a display string. The input value can be an integer or a string and can be up to 17 characters long. Set the includedate and/or includetime parameters to True if they are contained in the input date/time, otherwise set them to False). |
hsidate.hour |
hr = hsidate.hour |
Returns the current hour as an integer (24-hour). |
hsidate.millisecond |
msec = hsidate.millisecond |
Returns the current millisecond as an integer. |
hsidate.minute |
min = hsidate.minute |
Returns the current minute as an integer. |
hsidate.month |
mnth = hsidate.month |
Returns the current month as an integer. |
hsidate.second |
sec = hsidate.second |
Returns the current second as an integer. |
hsidate.timedelta(input, years=0, months=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0) |
print hsidate.timedelta(20190531, months=-1) returns 20190430000000000 |
Uses the input date/time (DB format) and offset parameters to return a new offset date/time as a a 17-digit long integer (DB format). The input value can be an integer or a string and can be up to 17 characters long. Offset parameters can be a positive integer (add time), a negative integer (subtract time), or 0 (no change; parameter is optional). |
9.5 |
hsidate.validate(datetimestring) |
if hsidate.validate("3/22/2013 8:59"): print "Valid date" |
Returns True if a date/time display string is valid, using standard cultural formatting. Otherwise it returns False. |
hsidate.validate(datetimestring, format) |
if hsidate.validate("3/22/2013", "m/dd/yyyy"): print "Valid date" |
Returns True if a date/time display string is valid, using the specified format. Otherwise it returns False. See for more information on format strings. |
hsidate.year |
yr = hsidate.year |
Returns the current year as an integer. |