Parameters to open a Dashboard

You can create a shortcut you can click to have GainSeeker automatically open a dashboard and execute other functions for the dashboard such as printing or emailing it. You can also have GainSeeker prompt you to make changes before the dashboard opens. This topic applies to dashboards in the GainSeeker Charts module.


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For example, if you want to a create a shortcut in which GainSeeker opens a specified dashboard and leaves it open on the GainSeeker Charts window, you would not include the ExportType= or the Close parameter.

For example, standard P-123 Length would be written like this with the Keys= parameter: Keys="P-123 Length"

OpenType=1 Open="OEE Dashboard"  ExportType=Printer Close

Command Line examples

To have GainSeeker automatically:

Add to target line:


  1. Open a Dashboard...


Open="Dashboard name"

  1. ...with the dashboard name you specify...

  1. ...have GainSeeker prompt you to make changes before opening the item...


This opens the Edit Dashboard dialog, where you can make changes to the dashboard before it opens. See Prompt below.

  1. ...send the dashboard to a printer, HTML (export the file in your Windows TEMP path), Email with attachments, or Email with no attachments ...

ExportType=Printer or HTML or Email or EmailHTML or Teams

See About Export= and ExportType= below



  1. ...send it to a specific .html, .rtf or .txt or .xml or .jpg file or email address...




  1. ...view (launch) the file associated
    with either export command above...


See using View

  1. ...suppress all error messages...


  1. ...then close the GainSeeker Charts


For a dashboard that executes a Python script, do not use the Close parameter as it may close the module before Python script execution is finished. Instead, use the dashboard.shutdown() command in that dashboard's Python script.


If you want GainSeeker to open a dialog where you can make changes to the dashboard (such as part number, date period, filter) before it opens each time, include the Prompt parameter.

Including the Prompt command in your command line opens the Edit Dashboard Settings dialog before the dashboard opens.


The following example would prompt GainSeeker to first open the Edit Dashboard Settings dialog before opening the specified dashboard. Opening the dialog allows you to make changes to "dashboard1" before it opens.

OpenType=0 Prompt Open="dashboard1"

Export= and ExportType=

Note: If you do not have GainSeeker Publish, GainSeeker ignores the file path and file name you specify, and a file of the specified type is automatically created for you in your Windows TEMP path. Also, if you do not have GainSeeker Publish and you specify an email address, it will not send it as an email. GainSeeker Publish is also required for posting a dashboard to Microsoft Teams. You can contact the Hertzler Sales team for information about purchasing GainSeeker Publish.

Using the Export= or ExportType = parameters, you can opt to have GainSeeker automatically export the item specified in the Open= and OpenType= parameters to a:

If the GainSeeker Charts module is minimized, dashboard images cannot be correctly exported to files or emails.




To send the item specified in the Open= and OpenType= parameters to multiple email recipients:

  1. First, create a .txt file of email recipients using a text editor such as NotePad if you have not already created one you would like to use (Fig. 1). Use a separate row for each email address recipient, then save the file:

Fig. 1

  1. Use the ExportType=Email parameter followed by the ExportList="filename" parameter. Include the name of the file you created that lists your email recipients, and include the path to that file.

Example: The parameters for emailing an item to a list of email names saved in a file as in Figure 1 above, would read similar to this (the location of the file name in this example is "c:\Users\bob\dashboard\" and the file name is "email recipients list for PN61011.txt"):

ExportType=Email ExportList="c:\Users\bob\dashboard\email recipients list for PN61011.txt"

(This would send emails to John, Betty, and Joan using the above example.)


Add the View parameter to your command line to have GainSeeker use Windows to launch the file executed by the ExportType= or the Export= parameter using the program that is associated with that file type.