Optional products

GainSeeker Suite products

Contact Hertzler Sales for information about any of these optional GainSeeker Suite products:

GainSeeker Publish

GainSeeker Publish adds functionality to:

      • Automatically publish GainSeeker Dashboards, Charts, and Dynamic Reports to files that can be viewed by an unlimited number of users.  Dashboards and Charts can even be published together as a Slideshow.

      • Automatically send Dashboards, Charts, and Dynamic Reports via email.

Unlimited numbers of users can then access these items without using any additional GainSeeker seats.

GainSeeker Mobile Web Services

GainSeeker Mobile Web Services connect mobile devices with your GainSeeker data.

Other products

For system needs beyond the scope of the GainSeeker Suite, we recommend the following products.

Gage and RS-232 interfaces

Keyboard wedge bar code readers

Paging systems

To suggest other product recommendation to include on this list, email your suggestion to suggest@hertzler.com