XML overview

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a text format used for the transfer of common data.  

This is GainSeeker’s default format for export and import. It is the only format that exports the notes with the data; other formats export only the data.

To use XML, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or higher installed on your workstation.  

The XML format uses tags before and after the values for each field. The ending tab begins with a slash “/” character. Below is an example of one data record exported to an XML file.

< HSI_Record Part_Number="E-34KB Cavity Pressure" Type="Variables">

< DateTime>12/25/2000 19:54:00</ DateTime>




<Trace_4>1250 CAVITY PRESSURE</Trace_4>

<Trace_5>2 CAVITY 02</Trace_5>

<Trace_6>3287 DIAZ, C.</Trace_6>

< Data_Value>25527.60</ Data_Value>

< Data_Value>25531.60</ Data_Value>






< RTF>0</ RTF>

< VFlags>0</ VFlags>

< Subgroup_Size>3</ Subgroup_Size>